Meet Gabby, Your 420 Travel Guide

Meet Gabby
1 year ago I quit my cubical, 9-5 job, put a desk in my kitchen (sold my kitchen table, who needs one?) and took off on my journey to create a 420 travel and event guide. Today, I share my knowledge and research to make sure you travel safely and courageously.
Hey there!
Thank you for exploring my site, I'm sure you're ready to get started. You are a curious traveler that is looking for fun spots that aren't overflowing with tourists and more off-the-beaten-path. Do you plan weeks in advance or throw some shirts and undies in a bag 10 minutes before? Finding out what adventures you need to start planning couldn't be easier now that you're here no matter which type of planner you are.
I'm sure you know by now, but this site is designed for adventurers of the cannabis sort. In other words, we cater to those who are 21 and older who love to smoke and hate to explain. We got you.
After spending four years in the cannabis industry learning, researching and building personal relationships with local businesses, I'm thrilled to be able to share this knowledge with you! I've also seen the nitty-gritty behind-the-scenes of many Colorado dispensaries and their grow facilities. I'll tell you the good, bad and the ugly when it comes to where to buy your weed.
Get expert advice on where to go and who to work with the next time you plan a 420 vacation, event or wedding. Yes, that's right! I will help you plan that event, weekend getaway or 8 day road trip. Where do you want to go? What city do you want to start at and end? Let's get those details so we can begin your next adventure in Colorado asap!
Lit Destinations is an online community for cannabis enthusiasts and adventure seekers looking for a simple and easy way to plan a trip or event in Colorado.
No more endless hours spent searching on Google and coming up empty or results that lead you to a ghost Instagram account (isn't that annoying?).
Now you can plan at ease knowing that the businesses we have listed meet our highest standards in customer service, quality and professionalism.
Have any questions or want to book an appointment?
Give us a call!
(970) 363-6445

We’re the guide that helps you create an event or vacation you’ll never forget.
I started this website with one goal in mind; create a place where everyone can plan 420 vacations and events in Colorado... stress free!
Yes! That's right. I've already done the heavy lifting and months of research to find the best Colorado has to offer in venues, lodging, bartenders and more.
So relax, take a puff/hit/rip whatever you see fit. The information you seek is right here. You have the power, knowledge and tools to make your next adventure unforgettable.
Happy Travels,